St.Eunans National School

Book Collection Thursday 4th June 2020

I would like to thank you all for your on-going cooperation and hard work in relation to remote learning. Under Department Guidelines teachers are now allowed to access the school building and this has allowed for us to organise a book collection at the school. We plan to organise this for Thursday 4th June.
The books/materials can be collected by a parent according to the timetable below.
It is very important that parents only come to the school at the time stipulated so we can manage the day safely for everyone.
The following arrangements will apply for the book pick up on Thursday 4th June.
Only one parent/guardian should visit the school to collect the books.
No children can visit the school on this day.
-Car Parking will be available from the Chapel Car Park.
– Any parent/guardian who cannot come or needs an alternative time can email so arrangements can be made
-All parents guardians should enter via the pathway from the Chapel Car Park and will leave via the front gate of the school.
A one way system will be in place.
Hand Sanitiser will be available and must be used by everyone.
The wearing of masks is advisable and all staff will be wearing masks.
If you have more than one child in the school all books will be grouped with the oldest sibling.
2m spaces will be marked on the path from the graveyard. Please observe this 2m distance at all times.
-A member of staff will retrieve all the books required and leave them on a table for you. Parents/Guardians are kindly asked to lift the books and proceed straight up to the front gate of the school.
The following times will apply for collecting the books
Master Simmons and Mrs Conaghan’s classes 10:00 -11:30
Mrs Keeve and Mrs Daly’s classes 11.30 -1pm
Mrs Gallagher and Mrs McGahern’s classes 1pm -2.30pm
*Please remember only one visit per family will be required. Books of younger children will be grouped with the oldest child in the family.*